Angola: French Evangelic Ministry Organizes Conference On Peace Consolidation

Angola: French Evangelic Ministry Organizes Conference On Peace Consolidation

Luanda — The Evangelic Ministry Tussamba Lussuki of France in partnership with the Order of Angolan Evangelic Pastors in France (OPEA), will organize on Saturday, at the Natural History Museum, in Luanda, the first conference on Peace Consolidation in Angola.

Speaking to ANGOP on Tuesday, the chairman of the Association of Angolan Pastors in France, António Tussamba Lusuki, stated that the conference aims at sensitizing the religious entities to preserve peace and contribute to the country’s development.

The source reminded that churches contributed to the conquest of independence and achievement of peace through prayers, reason why the religious institutions should not cross their arms.

The activity will also count on the participation of religious leaders and members of the government.

In 2014 to give sequence to the activities of peace consolidation, in June, the same action will take place in the provinces of Luanda, Huambo and Lubango.

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