Rabat — More than 70 think tanks and institutions from over 40 countries will be taking part in the Africa Think Tank Conference, scheduled on 2-4 May 2016 in Marrakesh, under the theme “Building a Sustainable and Secure Future for the People and Institutions of Africa”.
In recent years, African countries have been facing increasingly similar economic, social and environmental issues. OCP Policy Center, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania (TTCSP) are jointly organizing this conference to provide African think tanks with a platform to discuss issues of common interest and fasten new ties for the African think tank community.
The Africa Think Tank Conference will cover areas such as the implementation of development objectives, climate change issues in preparation for the COP22 (Marrakesh, November 2016), and ongoing efforts to introduce Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). This event will be an opportunity to further strengthen relations between African think tanks and discuss strategies and programmes to increase their capacity to support the building of a sustainable and secure future for the people and institutions across the continent.
Formore information about the Africa Think Tank Conference, please click here or follow us on Twitter (@OCPPolicyCenter; @CEA_ANcoms and @TTCSP) and on YouTube (here).
Provisional programme
Press release issued by:
Communication Team
Economic Commission for Africa
Office for North Africa
Tel: +212 (0) 537 548 749