Your past can be a treasure chest

Your past can be a treasure chest

GodsPricelessTreasurePastor Linda Grenz, (Church of God of Prophecy) We all have a past; today and tomorrow are not certain. We plan for tomorrow for our families, our communities and for ourselves.

Back in the past we have been given a treasure. The past is our story with the gold nuggets that make us equip to be effective in our Christian walk that leads and guides us in our purpose.

David, in the scriptures, killed Goliath and used Goliath’s sword to finish the victory. David then took Goliath’s armor,

including the sword, and put it in his tent. The Bible doesn’t tell us about the travels of the sword. The sword may have gone through the fire, the flood, the heart ache of illness and death. The sword also may have been raised up in praise to the Lord, wondered at the birth of a child, been filled with joy as scripture had been revealed and when the immeasurable love of God was pour out.

David, with the threat of death, flees — runs with nothing in his hands. He meets Ahimelech, the priest, and is in need of a survival tool. David asked if there was a weapon that he could use. The sword of Goliath which you used to kill him is here wrapped in cloth and behind my clothing. David’s past victory was there to meet his needs in a time of great peril.

Your past has a treasure box of gold nuggets that are used as protection. The Most High God holds the treasures and when you ask where is my joy, peace, love and where is my rest from the stress. God says, “I have it right here.” The same weapon from the past victories are still available today to overcome any challenge that prevents you from fulfilling all the plans the Lord has for you.

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