(TIMES TRIBUNE) Meade County – We bought a little canopy to use outside to protect us in the summer weather. There with the material were several sheets of instructions and some illustrations. The canopy had metal tubes and one sheet of canvas — the thought was it can’t be hard to put up, really only one sheet had instructions that we could read.
After several tries of putting the canopy together we got out the instructions and in a short time had the canopy up and only one minor tear in the canvas.
We have also bought chairs that were in the box. The instructions were written so poorly that you were better off not reading them and just looking at the illustrations.
The Bible has always been the Word of God but not always understood. You may speak the Word to people and they perceive that you are talking a different dialect that they do not understand. You quote John’s verses on love, and they just look at you with glazed-over eyes.
The Bible is written for every age group and every age. There is an answer for every question and a solution for every problem. Our worldly understanding gets mixed in with the Word and confusion results in more frustration. We are reading the Word but not listening to the voice of God.
I mention the illustrations with the instructions. Did not Jesus show the leopard God’s love when he reached out and touched the untouchable disease? The lady at the well felt the love just by a visit from Jesus, the hungry fed, the sick prayed for, and the mourners comforted.
The Word is love and faith and where love and faith are there is action. The Bible is not to be read and put down, but to be acted upon.
By Pastor Linda Grenz, Church of God of Prophecy