By Cheri-Ann Rougier, The Christian Journal Contributor
Bronx New York – The conference opened with a blazing kick off on Thursday the 7th with guest speakers Sister Tamar Jerome Pierre, followed on Saturday morning by Pastor Cheri-Anne Rougier, and the afternoon session by Prophetess Audrey Maison. It reached its peak on Sunday morning where it ended with powerful demonstration of the Holy Spirit.
There is a saying that some things are better left unsaid but that doesn’t apply to Kingdom Covenant Family Church 2013 women’s conference, which was hosted by Pastor Richard Boakye. The momentous event merits a shout-out from the rooftops. This year featured a lineup of dynamic women speakers whose main focus was centered on teaching on the topic “Breaking Limitations.”
It was obviously an illuminating weekend. The speakers were on fire, the worship was fire and the atmosphere was super charged with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Wow!
Breaking through Limitations, a theme that does not only applies to women, but men and women all over the world who face limitations on a daily basis. This weekend featured the ladies, anointed women with a message from God to other women who needed to hear a word from God.
No wonder Jesus had so much affection for women, because He knew what is in the heart of women. He knew that once the eyes of a woman are enlightened it’s a light that affects the whole world. Throughout the Bible God used women in monumental roles that are still referenced today.
Women were trendsetters in ministry from the days of Jesus; holding influential leadership roles from then to now. There is no partially with the Holy Spirit. Where some are debating over the roles of women Pastors, Bishops and Apostles the Holy Spirit continues to use women dynamically in bringing souls to the kingdom of God, healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons. It’s not about the title but about the vessel, if a woman makes herself available to the Holy Spirit she will be used in a most magnificent way. Availability is the key rather than religious dogmas and theological debates on gender specific roles in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
KCFC women’s conference proved that. The same Power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead was present throughout the conference revealing keys to breaking both physical and spiritual limitations. Some of these keys discussed understood the seasons in one’s life- that no condition is permanent since God does something new in our life each day. Going with the flow of the Holy Spirit, we allow Him to lead us. Another powerful point was the need to take action against those situations that limit us from reaching our full potential and purpose. Limitations can be gender specific; there are some limitation that will apply explicitly to women such as barrenness, race specific limitations such as those experienced by many of a particular race or culture. This can be seen in prejudice or discrimination towards a person because of his ethnicity. Other limitations can be self imposed, the truth is whither it is internal or external, spiritual or physical it’s a topic that the church needs to educate its congregant on.
Many of us can identify the limitations in our lives but we are incapable of doing something to overcome them, either because we are comfortable with it, we don’t know how or we’ve given up. Another vital key mentioned in breaking limitations was the need to sometimes break protocol, this is especially important because when one is stuck in a vicious cycle of destruction it can destroy one’s confidence and hope for resolution.
The woman with the issue of blood in the Gospel of Mark had to break protocol to get her healing; she knew the risk involved in doing so but breaking the limitation that her sickness imposed on her outweighed the fear of being publicly ostracized. Her faith drove her at the helm of the garment of the one man she knew could help, but it wasn’t the garment that did it for her. It was her faith and her decision to act on that faith that caused Jesus to say “daughter your faith has made thee whole.”
This year’s conference had everything, nothing was missing, demons cried out as they were cast out under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, healing, generational curses broken, financial limitations were broken, lives were transformed and God showed up in a way that surprised everyone. Jesus is Lord.
Thanks to everyone who came out to make this year’s women conference a tremendous success to the glory of God.