Christians in the Tri-State Area on Sunday joined their fellow worshipers all over the world to celebrate Palm Sunday commemorating the biblical triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
At the Vatican. Pope Francis opened solemn Holy Week services with Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square, stressing humility and remembering the dead in the Germanwings crash.
In his message, he hailed those who quietly ignore their own needs to serve others, and paid tribute to Christians who endure with dignity humiliation, discrimination and even persecution for their faith.
Meanwhile, hundreds gathered in Lower Manhattan to observe the start of Holy Week with a colorful and festive Palm Sunday procession down Broadway.
The theme of humility which ran through most sermons marked the last trip of Jesus to Jerusalem where he later suffered persecution and death.
In Ghana, Most worshipers sang and waved palm branches at church, while others also had processions on some principal streets to commemorate the biblical triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem. the faithful gathered in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Many waved the fronds to symbolize how worshippers greeted Jesus over 2,000 years ago as he triumphantly returned to Jerusalem
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