RUAKA, CISA – First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has applauded the role of the Catholic Church in improving the lives of millions of Kenyans across the country.
Speaking during a fundraising ceremony at Blessed Joseph Allamano Catholic Church in Ruaka, about 15 Km from Nairobi City on July 14, the First Lady pledged her continued support to religious organizations as they go about complementing the government’s transformational agenda through education, health, environment and youth empowerment projects.
The First Lady helped to raise over Kshs 3.2 million. She donated Kshs 500,000 with another Kshs 100,000 from former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.
Father in charge of Gachie catholic Parish, Fr James Kamiti, gave over Kshs 200,000 while area Member of Parliament, Paul Koinange donated Kshs 100,000.
According to Fr Kamiti – the chairman of the organizing committee – the funds raised will be used to put up an administration block and purchase a car for the priest.
“Our presence at this gathering signifies the kinship we have and continue to build with the Church and other religious bodies,” the First Lady said.
She added: “Congratulations to Gachie Parish for the work that you are doing in the areas of Health, Environment and Youth empowerment which resonate well with my own areas of focus and purpose.”
In his sermon, Fr Kamiti praised the First Lady for starting the ‘Beyond Zero’ campaign which targets to improve the health of mothers and children.
“Any nation is as healthy as its women and children because the two groups form the core pillars of any society,” Fr Kamiti said.
He called on Kenyans to live in peace, saying peace was a vital ingredient for the country’s development and economic growth.