By NSE Udoh (ZAMBIA REPORTS) – Bishop John Mambo says the PF cadres’ attack on members of the civil society organisations (CSOs) during a prayer meeting at Bible Gospel Outreach Centre had set the tone for the direction the Michael Sata government was taking the country.
Eleven CSOs had opted for a prayer meeting after the PF controlled police had denied them a permit for a rally at Freedom statue but advised them to hold an indoor meeting.
The Chikondi Foundation founder who was also physically attacked during the siege by the PF cadres that left several members of the public bloodied said it was sad that even the church could not be place of sanctuary for the citizenry.
“What happened this morning is very unfortunate you cannot have political cadres descending on innocent citizens in a country that publicly proclaims to be a Christian nation,” Mambo said.
“We were beaten, others had their cars smashed by cadres with sticks, knives and pangas. This really a dangerous direction to be taking the country.”
And opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Vice President in chrage of political affairs who was part of the prayer meeting said the attack was yet another demonstration that the PF was a violent reputation.
“Just a few days ago our members were attacked and abducted at City Market as they were waiting for our president to go to Kanyama and now they have gone as far as entering a church to attack innocent people that just tells you what kind of party the PF is,” Kaingu says.
“As we were praying for the President, the MPs the cadres descended on the meeting and beat up people.”
Meanwhile UPND vice president Richard Kapita said it was unfortunate that the country was witnessing high levels of intolerance towards divergent views.
“We are worried about the direction they are taking this country we have always warned that the PF tolerates thuggery, they do not believe in democracy,” he said.
The PF controlled police have crafted a reputation of omnipotence depriving citizens of their right to assembly and alongside PF cadres have brutalized those that have dared hold meetings.