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Uganda: Mama’s World – Creating Family Traditions Is Important

By Eunice Musiime is a common sight, especially in the rural areas, to see flocks of people making their way to church on Sunday or other religious days. I would say

Family Headlines

A Father’s Legacy

The greatest legacy we pass on as fathers is not our inheritance. It is not even our good name. It is the spiritual heritage that we give to our children,

Faith Family Headlines

Can small children come to Christ to be saved?

(Christiananswers) Both committed Christians and uncommitted skeptics often wonder whether young children can be genuinely saved. The skeptic questions it because he doubts the reality of salvation for anyone, and


Who’s Watching the Children?

Imagine yourself as a single mom with three young children. Your doctor discovers a health issue that requires surgery and a hospital stay. Your parents live in another state and

Family Headlines World

Mother’s Day: Honoring God’s Indispensable Gift

“God couldn’t be everywhere, so He made mothers.” While not theologically accurate, this old Jewish saying describes beautifully the significant role mothers have in our lives. Motherhood is one of