(Daily Graphic)Twenty-three young men were on Saturday ordained into the Catholic priesthood by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, the Most Rev Charles Gabriel Palmer-Buckle, in Accra.
The priests, who had gone through an average of 10 years’ intensive training in Theology, Philosophy and Spiritual Guidance, were greeted with spontaneous applause from the milling crowd that had gathered at the forecourt of the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Adabraka when they were eventually proclaimed fully fledged priests.
After the 23 had gone through the ordination rituals, all the Catholic priests present at the ceremony laid their hands on each of them and prayed for them silently.
After the prayer of consecration, the Most Rev Palmer-Buckle invested each of the priests with a stole and chasubles.
In his sermon, the Archbishop urged the new priests to be dedicated to the work of God and win souls for Christ, adding that as priests they must teach God’s children to live Christ-like lives.
He reminded the newly ordained priests not to forget their mission, which is to take up the work of evangelisation by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, especially through their own way of life, words and deeds.
He asked them not to take the celebration of the sacraments for granted because it was to make Jesus Christ available and present to the people of God.
“One of the sacraments I will beg you to take very seriously is the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Make use of it regularly and make it always available to the people of God for whom today you are being ordained a priest,” he added.
The Most Rev Palmer-Buckle said the third priestly responsibility was to teach what Jesus Christ teaches in the Holy Scriptures for God’s children to live Christ-like lives.
“As we rejoice today, let us continue to pray, so that God will renew our archdiocese by calling many more young men and women in our archdiocese to the holy priesthood, the religious and consecrated life, as well as to the holy matrimony and good Christian family life,” he added.