Burton Campbell: Perceptions of Christianity are as varied as the people who encounter it. The term “Christian” was originally used in derogatory fashion to describe the followers of Jesus and literally meant “little Christ.” The recipients of the label, however, chose to wear it as a badge of honor.
Being Christ-like is what originally turned the hearts of society toward this new, growing group of Christians. Despite terrible persecution, Christians responded with kindness and love. They did not count the wrongs they suffered against the perpetrators of those injustices. They were patient, they were humble, and they were selfless. When people would evacuate a city because of sudden plague or disease, the Christians would stay and care for those who were suffering, even at the cost of losing their own lives. People, over time, began to see the nature of Christ and His unconditional love despite mistreatment, hardship and opposition.
This kind of love is needed today more than ever. Instead of judgment, condemnation and disdain, people need to discover and encounter the authentic love of Christ in the words and actions of His followers. People might argue that the label Christian is once again being used by some as a negative, painting the members of churches and ministries as intolerant, judgmental elitists. The opportunity we have of winning over the world is no different than it was in those first, early days. The actions of love speak loudest.
Jesus told his disciples that all people, everywhere, would know that they were His disciples if they would truly love one another. Despite personality differences, political leanings, or theological viewpoints, a people who will walk in genuine, measurable love will showcase the life-changing reality and truth of the Lord Jesus.
So fellow Christians, with God’s help, let’s live up to the label. Love never fails.