Nigeria: Don’t Drag Me Into Partisan Politics, Catholic Bishop Warns

Nigeria: Don’t Drag Me Into Partisan Politics, Catholic Bishop Warns

Most Rev. Felix AjakayeAdo-Ekiti — The Catholic Bishop of Ekiti Diocese, Most Rev. Felix Ajakaye, has warned that his name should not be dragged into partisan politics, especially as some names are being touted as likely replacement for the late deputy governor of the state, Mrs. Funmilayo Olayinka.

The bishop said he is not involved in the selection of a new deputy governor to replace the late Mrs. Olufunminiyi Olayinka, whose burial had been slated for April 26 and warned against the dropping of his name for political gains.

Bishop Ajakaye, in a statement in Ado-Ekiti yesterday said he is only a stakeholder in Ekiti and Nigeria.

The cleric’s comment was in reaction to a newspaper’s report which insinuated that he could influence the choice of Olayinka’s replacement.

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