Tag "New Jersey"
New Jersey School Lifts Controversial Ban on Christmas Carols
By Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post Reporter New Jersey’s MacFarland Intermediate School has lifted its controversial ban on Christmas carols after beings contacted by the Alliance Defending Freedom, in a decision
TADMI raises funds to support charity work in Ghana
(TADMI) The Affum-Darkwah Mission International held a Fundraising and Dinner Dance on Sunday August 11th, 2013. The Event held a restaurant at 14 Academy Street, South Orange, New Jersey. The
28th Anniversary Celebration of OKUSACA
By David N. Osafo – 28th Anniversary Celebration of Okuapemman Association of USA & Canada (OKUSACA) Members and well-wishers of Okuapemman Association of USA & Canada (OKUSACA) resident in North
Tri-State Greater Works 2013
Orange, NJ (The Christian Journal) The 2013 Tri-State Greater Works Conference took off powerfully with a mighty praise victory shout unto the Lord for his grace, goodness and mercy and
Methodist Church Ghana North American Mission holds Annual General Meeting
The North American Mission of the Methodist Church Ghana, holds her 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) this weekend from Friday, April 26- Sunday April 28 at the Ghana Emmanuel Methodist
Methodist Church Ghana North American Mission holds Annual General Meeting
The North American Mission of the Methodist Church Ghana, holds her 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) this weekend from Friday, April 26- Sunday April 28 at the Ghana Emmanuel Methodist