The Observer (Kampala) It helps to occasionally check to make sure that you are doing that which God purposed for you to be doing at this particular time; it could be the key to your success.
If you have prayed, fasted and are now wallowing in frustration because God seems to be ‘ignoring your prayers’, it could be time for that all-important self-analysis. Are you doing as God instructed you?
That sickness you are eager to see off; that painful situation that seems to be getting darker by the day and the frustrations at your job or in the ministry, could be stemming from within you. Oftentimes we are our own stumbling blocks, or saboteurs.
Have you been faithful to God in ministry, in your tithes, in His instructions, etc?
The Bible says in 1 Samuel 15:23 that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. So, be careful how you handle your Christian walk, lest you attract punishment fit for a witch!
Some of us are supposed to be fulfilling certain ministries, but have blatantly refused or found ways to compromise. Others are sitting on instructions from God for other people. It takes grace to realise what is wrong in one’s salvation walk; so, start praying and asking God for guidance and the revelation as to what could be possibly wrong.
Like the Bible advises us to take the log out of our own eyes before we point out the speck in a neighbour’s eye, what is plaguing you could easily be an inside job! Before you stretch your eyes to the witches and possible dream-snatchers surrounding you, make sure that you have at least done your part. The biggest saboteur/dream-killer would be staring back at you in the mirror. Deal with that.