Portia Asare, The Christian Journal Reporter
Orange, New Jersey – If you trust God with a little step, He will take giant steps with you. If you give Him two fish and five loaves of bread He will feed five thousand for you, and I believe He can do far more exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think about.
God has given us many resources on earth but the most important thing in life is making good use of it. “He has given us life, friends and family” said Dr. Mensa Otabil, the founder and general overseer of International Central Gospel Church.
An evening with Dr. Mensa Otabil with the theme Order at ICGC liberty Center was a life changing encounter. “Our God is a God of principle and so should His children be” he stated. “God is a God of methods, intentions, strategy. Things just don’t happen with God, He works them into happening”. He encouraged each and everyone to have a 20 year plan. He spoke about making life time goals and plan as a Christian because our days are numbered as the book of palms 90:12 says.
Speaking from the scripture Acts 15:18 “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.”
He encouraged all attendants to have a vision of their life as Christians and work towards it. “The vision of the future must be greater than the past failure” Dr. Mensa Otabil said.
As Christians, we must set things in the right order just like our God who created the heavens and the earth.
“The vision you have will determine the resources God gives you” he said. Once you have these resources from God it’s about how you manage them. It’s not what you have but it’s about what you use them for.
“God sees the end and He’s a God who gives life to the dead” he stated. Many left with a purpose in life with the intent to write down their 20, 30 or 50 year plan breaking them down in quarterly basis.
“I’ve been uplifted and empowered to know there’s no dream too big for God” one of the attendants said.
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