The Christian Journal, Bronx NY – Christians around the world commemorate Christ’s death and resurrection. In New York, thousands of worshippers in the African Christian Community packed different churches to remember the redemption that came to mankind by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Not only do Christians remember his death, but Jesus’ resurrection gives them hope that their mortal bodies will be transformed into immortal ones. Christians are exhorted in Scripture to live by the power of Jesus’ resurrection or newness of life by the Spirit of Jesus (Holy Spirit) living in and through them
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the faith of Christianity is “useless” and “pitiful,” wrote the Apostle Paul. If there’s no resurrection, he told Christians in Corinth, live only for today: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (1 Corinthians 15:32).
The disciples before the resurrection of Jesus was scared and scattered. After seeing the resurrected Christ, the disciples dedicated their lives to proclaiming Jesus’ victory over death. Most died as martyrs.
At St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Cardinal Timothy Dolan told worshippers to remember that even though things may seem bleak at times, Easter brings the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, showing how “God has the last word.”
At St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Pope Francis in his Easter message encouraged people to hold fast in their “fearful hearts” to faith, acknowledging that many people wonder where God is amid so much evil and suffering in the world.
In Ghana Apostle Dr Emmanuel Osei Donkor, the General Secretary of Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI), urged Christians to use Easter to reconcile with one another towards building an intimate relationship with God.
In Egypt, Coptic Christians marked a somber Easter a week after twin bombings by the Islamic State group killed dozens of worshippers at churches in two separate cities.