One week fasting and prayers (Breaking any limitations revival)

One week fasting and prayers (Breaking any limitations revival)

1606417_820612867966311_1922094874_oOne week fasting and prayers (Breaking any limitations revival)
The week long revival started with host Prophet Eric Kofi Owusu who throughout the week had been very dynamic with his sermon. He encouraged his congregation to keep up their dreams in life to manifest God’s prophetic promises in their lives! “Everything in the Kingdom of God is received by faith and confession including our salvation”. He said.

The Guest Speaker Bishop Owusu Ansah of Kingdom Life Ministries in the UK, delivered to a packed sanctuary an exuberant congregants with his sermon on theme breaking any limitations. It was a spirited morning of thanksgiving, praise and worship.

“The word of the Lord came to me saying it’s dangerous for you to remain in mediocrity! It’s time to break off limitation and small thinking”. It’s time to break out of self-imposed walls and realize who you really are. Speaking from the bible, it is I who has fashioned you and equipped you for such a time as this. It is to possessing your territory and moving beyond your perceived limitations into the prophetic promises of God. It’s time to break out of fear into the realm of faith. This is an important season because there is a revolving door of spiritual opportunity before us.

He said we should not let our circumstances dictate our outcome. Limitation is listening to your mind; instead of your spirit governing your will. The blood of Jesus is enough for you to have faith and achieve bigger dreams!
“What a wonderful time we had with Bishop Owusu Ansah, God is still using his people,” one of the attendants said. “It was exciting to see the attendants filled with joy.

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